RSM Contactor, allowing the acıl or the closure of an electrical circuit, connecting device is equivalent to the normal position of the hungry state. RSM contactors, the contactor in terms of style calışma and use other key species distinguishes the most important feature of the circuit to turn on and off more frequently, and is at the same time can be controlled by remote control. Contactors typically consist of components that transmit the main stream and the switching triggering mechanism. Mainstream undergoing components, main and auxiliary contacts for contactors used in large amperage separator (al-fighting cells) and connection are extreme. The trigger system nuvi elements iron, roll and consists spring. Contactor international IEC 60947-4- 1, produced according to TSE standards and tested EN60947-4- 1. Contactor circuit only used as a relay to provide thermal protection element alone but when used together they protect circuits against overload currents.
Mini Contactor Product Features

Wiring Diagrams

Technical Table

Technicial Drawings

1243.02.3 / 1243.02.4

1243.02.1 / 1243.02.2